Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turn(table) Your Ashes Into Vinyl When You Die

Music lovers can now be immortalised when they die by having their ashes baked into vinyl records to leave behind for loved ones.

A UK company called And Vinyly is offering people the chance to press their ashes in a vinyl recording of their own voice, their favourite tunes or their last will and testament.

How does it work? The process of setting human ashes into vinyl involves a very understanding pressing plant. Basically the ashes must be sprinkled onto the raw piece of vinyl (known as a “biscuit” or “puck”) before it is pressed by the plates. This means that when the plates exert their pressure on the vinyl in order to create the grooves, the ashes are pressed into the record.

And Vinyly also offers personalised RIV (Rest In Vinyl) artwork — so you can have your portrait painted by artist James Hague, using your ashes mixed into the paint.

Sounds awesome - you could pop it on at family functions.......

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